What are the Chappell Players committees?
​Chappell Players has initiated a Committee System in order to enhance members' involvement with our theatre organization. Through these committees, members are given a greater range of opportunities to showcase and develop their skills in all aspects of a theatrical production.
DEI Committee
Purpose: Chappell Players is committed to creating a welcoming space for all our members to reach their full potential in their passion for theatre. The new Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee's goal the improvement of cultural awareness, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and for creating a safe environment for ALL of our new and current members.
Collaborate to identify areas of improvement: Work to identify and recommend areas for improvement related to DEI strategies in Chappell Players shows, events and our environment.
Research for Accessibility in our space: Explore and research ways we can make the Little Theatre and CPTG shows accessible for all communities.
Creating Polls and Questionnaires for
membership feedback: Responsible for Bi-monthly anonymous polls on our progress as an organization on diversity and inclusion.
​The Vice President acts as a Liaison between the DEI Committee and the E-Board as a resource for those who need special assistance, including but not limited to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Office of Disability.
Liaison: Katherine Petrick
Committee Chair: TBD
Events Committee
Purpose: Create and host auxiliary events for new and current CPTG members inside and out of The Little Theater.
Music Revues, Sports Games, Movie Nights, Paint Nights, Murder Mystery Night, Theater Olympics, and Banquet
Organize and coordinate events alongside E-Board reps: During each meeting we will discuss upcoming events that have been planned by the E-Board, plan out what everyone’s responsibilities are, and the day of the event, have fun!! After an event finishes, you will be responsible for helping clean up and get the space back to the way we found it.
Work with the publicity committee to publicize events: When it comes close to show dates, we will help organize events to help promote shows.
Engage with new and current CPTG members: Events are a great way for new members to engage with current members and get to know fellow Chappies! We have to show them what we are all about!!​
The Events Committee will meet every week/ every other week during common hour depending on the events coming up.
Chair: Grace Stanley
Publicity (PR) Committee
Purpose: ​Create and distribute promotional material for all CPTG shows and events. Engage all members through various social media platforms.
Devise Publicity Stunts: Organize and participate in events to promote each Mainstage show. Past events include themed promotional raffles, flash mobs, and more!
Graphic Design Flyers and Posters: Have the opportunity to learn and use “Canva” to create promotional content for upcoming events.
Generate Show Content: Work with fellow committee members and the general body to ideate and create promotional content for the organization’s various social media accounts, including Tik Tok.
The Publicity Committee will meet every other week during a scheduled time where all committee members are available. Meeting will last around 1-2 hours depending on the activity we are working on.
Co-Chairs: Jessica Daley & Josephine Lobosco
Photo Video
Purpose: The Photo/Video committee’s main goal is to publicize our shows through videos and document all our fun times in Chappell Players! The committee both films and edits these projects. For each show, we make three videos:
Promo Video: The promo video includes clips from rehearsals along with interviews with key people who worked on the show (director, producer, main actors, stage manager, etc.)
Tech Crew Video: This video started to recognize all of the crew behind the scenes that work tirelessly to make sure we all have an amazing show. It typically includes interviews with all the tech crew members and videos of the tech crew working on the show.
Audience Reaction Video: After the opening night of the production, we film an audience reaction video. It includes positive reviews of our show from the audience to get more people interested in seeing what all of the hype is about!
At the end of the year, we also make a Year in Review Video that includes clips from all of our activities throughout the year! This is shown at our end-of-the-year banquet along with a Bloopers Video.
The Photo/Video Committee typically meets once every week/every other week during common hour depending on how much work we have to do.
Co-Chairs: Brianna Mannino & Katherine Petrick